Garuwanga: Forming a Competent Authority to Protect Indigenous Knowledge
This project builds upon the work conducted in initial project Recognising and Protecting Indigenous Knowledge Associated with Natural Resource Management and will focus on the development of a Competent Authority to govern and administer a legal framework for the protection of traditional knowledge. This project has been funded by the Australian Research Council Linkage Grant Scheme and will be carried out over 3 years commencing July 2016.
ARC Project Abstract
This project will work with the Aboriginal Community to identify, evaluate and recommend an appropriate Competent Authority legal structure so Australia can meet the requirements of the Nagoya Protocol. This Protocol calls for a Competent Authority to govern and administer a framework that ensures Indigenous communities’ informed consent is obtained for access to their traditional knowledge, and that establishes fair and equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms for use of that knowledge. This project will work with the Indigenous community to address concerns over the form, independence and funding of the Authority so Indigenous knowledge and culture can be protected and shared.
Investigators and Partner Organisations
Research Project Outputs
Stage 1 Activity 1
Comparative Study Report - Garuwanga: Forming a Competent Authority to protect Indigenous Knowledge
Stage 2 Activity 5
Garuwanga: Forming a Competent Authority to protect Indigenous knowledge - Discussion Paper (April 2018)
Stage 3 Activity 6
Analysis of Consultations Report (April 2020)
Stage 3 Activity 7
Stage 3 Activity 8
Indigenous Knowledge Forum (June 2019) publication forthcoming.
Natalie Stoianoff, 'Indigenous Knowledge Governance: Developments from the Garuwanga Project’ (2019) 117 Intellectual Property Forum 9
Natalie Stoianoff, 'Garuwanga: Forming a Competent Authority to Protect Indigenous Knowledge - A Project Supported by the Australian Research Council Linkage Scheme' (2017) 108 Intellectual Property Forum 73