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Indigenous Knowledge Forum 2012


The Indigenous Knowledge Forum is working to understand the impact of biodiversity and intellectual property law and policy on Indigenous knowledge and biodiversity management. It also focuses on how the implementation and operation of relevant laws and affects the rights and interests of Indigenous peoples.

The inaugural Forum was held at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia in August 2012 with a focus on India and Australia. There are significant similarities between Australia and India. Each nation has significant Indigenous populations. Each nation covers an entire continent or sub-continent and comprises a federation of states and territories. Both have experienced British colonialism, are members of the Commonwealth and operate a common law legal system. India and Australia have both been classified as biologically mega-diverse. These similarities provide a valuable opportunity to explore and understand the interaction of Indigenous knowledge and practices with intellectual property and biodiversity laws recognising that this interaction occurs in a broader context of social and legal issues that impact Indigenous and local peoples. 

The Forum which took place in Sydney 1-3 August 2012 was sponsored by: 


The Forum took place on 1-3 August 2012. The Program provided a day of plenary presentations to assist in the exchange of knowledge, expertise and understanding between India and Australia, facilitate dialogue and build relationships leading to collaboration and engagement on biodiversity and intellectual property laws in relation to Indigenous Knowledge. The second full program day provided several streams of workshops designed to explore in detail the key issues identified and develop recommendations and/or proposals for future collaboration in research and dialogue. 


Forum Program

Forum Program with Biographies and Abstracts




The following slides used by presenters at the Forum have been made available here:

  • Presentation by Dr Frances Bodkin discussing what constitutes Indigenous Knowledge from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective

  • Presentation by Kanchi Kohli responding to Dr Bodkin’s presentation discussing Indigenous knowledge from an Indian perspective

  • Presentation by John Scott on Notable Achievements of Article 8(j) Programme of Work and Future Work towards to Achievement of the Revised Strategic Plan 2011-2020 and its Aichi Targets

  • Presentation by Ben Philips on Implementing the Nagoya Protocol

  • Presentation by Shalini Bhutani In the Knowledge Bazaar – Protecting India’s (biodiversity) know-how? A critical look at laws and policies on traditional knowledge and intellectual property

  • Presentation by Paul Marshall and Anthony Watson on Partnership engagement towards the commercialisation of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

  • Presentation by Sam Johnston on The Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Change

  • Presentation by Patricia Adjei on Finding the Way – Intellectual Property and Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in Australia

  • Presentation by Mark Allen and Virginia Marshall on The Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Change

  • Presentation by Steven Bailie on Finding the Way – Intellectual Property and Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in Australia

  • Presentation by Michael Davis on Guidelines, Statements and Protocols: Can these offer some lessons in developing a new approach for recognition and protection of Indigenous Knowledge?

  • Presentation by Rajul Joshi on Traditional knowledge and value creation

  • Presentation by Kanchi Kohli on The Regulatory Design of People’s Knowledge Protection in India’s Biodiversity Regime

  • Presentation by Natalie Stoianoff on Implications of the WIPO Draft Articles for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge 

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